I am still concerned about the risks posed by bicycles and other human powered vehicles on campus. I have a related post on another blog here.
I am on a personal mission to evangelize emerging technology in higher education. This weblog does not represent the opinions of San Jose State University or anybody else for that matter. It is about tech and my passion for Emerging Technology.
According to Michael Cooney of Network World, "the Government Accountability Office today took yet another critical look at the US federal security systems and found most of them lacking." He said:
Within today's report, the GAO broadly outline the groups and types of individuals considered to be what it called key sources of cyber threats to our nation's information systems and cyber infrastructures. [Read More]
As a government entity we at this state university need to be mindful of such threats and be vigilant in our ability to respond to them.
What are the top eight ways students cheat? Carin Ford wrote this post for Higher Ed morning:
Not so long ago, students relied on crib sheets and word of mouth to cheat. And while some of those methods live on, cheating today has taken a new twist. [Read More]
The comments to this post are also very good reading.
Last weekend I went to the California State University Employees Union (CSUEU) Board of Director's Meeting in Sacramento. It was a huge even and I took many photographs. Here is just a small subset of those photos:
Shawn Smith, a Web promotion and Internet marketing scientist, wrote this post on How to Make Money with Your J-Skills:
In this post, I’ll give you an 8-step plan for getting started with skills monetization outside of newspapers and a few excellent examples for putting your skills to work. Let’s get started (which is often the hardest part).
There are some good ideas here.
By Steve Sloan
All of us who work for the state know the hardships imposed by furloughs on our families. We’re also aware of the impact on students of furloughs, reduced class sessions and increased fees. But, do furloughs work?