Thursday, September 21, 2006

Letter from a friend

Stephanie Quilao is the fabulous blogger and speaker at our first class. She sent this exciting email to Cynthia McCune, our class and I:

I blew it on the Scoble date. I had it in my calendar wrong. I'm so sorry I missed it. It sounds like it went well. Hope the students realize just how lucky they were.

I'm like an excited student today who wants to go tell her teachers how she did good today. So, since you're my teachers too, I just wanted to let you know I wrote a post last night called "How to explain RSS the Oprah way" and Steve Rubel posted it on Micropersuasion today:  It's also been bookmarked on delicious 60 times, and been Digged 11 times. I've gotten almost 2,000 hits in a matter of a few hours. This is all new and big for me. I tipped, so we'll see if they think it's link worthy.

Exciting stuff. I have a day of being popular online ;-)

I'll see you guys at the MeetUp!

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