Friday, February 24, 2012

SJSU tearing down the tower as a symbol of SJSU

San Jose State University's tower has been an icon of our university as long as I can remember. I started at SJSU as a student in 1979 and it was our symbol.
To me the tower symbol said, "this is a great university." Employees were awarded Tower Pins for good service. The tower was not only a substantial imposing landmark, it had historical significance at the CSU's first campus. But, the tower has been slowly torn down as a symbol of SJSU. I guess they didn't want us to be confused with icons like Berkeley's Campanile or Hoover Tower?
First they changed the logo. But vestiges remained of the tower as a symbol of SJSU. Our campus ID cards, have, until now, been called Tower Cards. Yes folks, that is changing now too.
SJSU is in the process of re-branding its Tower Cards, they are going to be called SJSU ID Cards. Yes, I know it's technically an accurate description of their function. But, it is about as sexy and exciting as the DMV. To me, it is another step toward mediocrity. Once again we seem to be saying, "what do you expect, we are not Cal or Stanford after all."
The tower will still stand on our campus, but what will it stand for?


Anonymous said...

It's also a waste of money..

Anonymous said...

I am not so sure how it's a waste of money... considering SJSU does not spend much as part of maintenance on the Tower. The Tower has been sealed by the Fire Marshall as the building does not meet CA "Earthquake safety" standards, so no one ever goes up there to "Maintain".