Sunday, October 29, 2006

There and back again

Sun over the Pacific

I am home from LA
It was a short trip, less than 36 hours total. Some people make trips like this all the time and for them it is routine. For me it was a bit disorienting. I do not like flying in airliners. It is not the flying that bothers me, it is the security. When you fly you agree to submit to it. I do, but I resent it. I feel as though I am a prisoner in some kind of police state. That is the bargain we make in order to fly. Given my druthers, I rather drive if I can. But, this trip I couldn't. It is too bad we could not have had this meeting in Second Life! Considering how much it costs to fly so many folks to attend meetings like this, the economics of virtual meetings in virtual worlds just is inescapable.

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