Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Richer learning through podcasting

Ryan Sholin [link] wants to know how we can use podcasts as something other than as a way to send lectures over the Internet:

I left the folks I talked to lots of openings to really explain how podcasts could be used as supplemental audio/video material, and not just class lectures, but I must have hit the wrong sources, because no one really took off on that angle.

Ryan, follow my link of November of 2004:

I have been thinking a lot of the potential of the medium. I really think there is something here for education!

In my opinion Podcasting is a great tool:
  • for distance learning
  • to facilitate self-paced learning
  • for remediation of slower learners
  • to allow faculty to offer advanced and or highly motivated learners extra content
  • for helping students with reading and/or other learning disabilities
  • for multi-lingual education
  • to provide the ability for educators to feature guest speakers from remote locations
  • to allow guest speakers the ability to present once to many sections and classes
  • to allow educators to escape the tedium of lecturing
  • to offer a richer learning environment

This is why I started what I believe is the first podcast in higher education. This is why I said, "the sky is the limit." It is two things that make podcasting such important technology. First is the value add. The richer learning experience it allows students to bring to the classroom. Second, and this could be the most disruptive to the existing paradigm, is that RSS based instruction may allow for new learning methods to emerge that enable learning and higher education to reach learners and potential students for whom the traditional higher education paradigm may simply not be an option. In a flat world, I think this is critical.

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